NYE 2021 – Meadow Central Market https://www.meadowcentralmarket.com Dallas, TX Thu, 10 Dec 2020 03:53:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://www.meadowcentralmarket.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/cropped-Shop-icon-W-1-32x32.png NYE 2021 – Meadow Central Market https://www.meadowcentralmarket.com 32 32 Ring in New Years 2021 By Supporting Local Businesses in Meadow Central Market https://www.meadowcentralmarket.com/2020/12/10/new-years-2021-dallas-meadow-central/ https://www.meadowcentralmarket.com/2020/12/10/new-years-2021-dallas-meadow-central/#respond Thu, 10 Dec 2020 03:53:41 +0000 https://www.meadowcentralmarket.com/new/new-years-2021-dallas-meadow-central/ Celebrate New Years 2021 with us here at Meadow Central Market in Dallas, and experience a whole new way to shop. Not only does our shopping center offer faster methods of getting your groceries on days when you’re too busy to scour the aisles, but you can also take time for yourself to rejuvenate after the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Here are our favorite ways to prepare for New Years 2021 this year while shopping in Dallas at Meadow Central Market:

Simplify Your Grocery Trips at Meadow Central Market 

When you’re just too busy to stroll casually through the grocery store for the foods and products you need at home, order your goods online at Tom Thumb to have them prepared for pick-up or delivery. You can even search for recipes and shop directly from the ingredients list to further simplify the process of running your household. 

Keep the Family Healthy Through New Years 2021

This is one of the worst times of the year for keeping your family healthy and out of the Doctor’s office. Make sure to get all of the supplements, vitamins, medicines, and other pharmaceutical needs you may have from CVS Pharmacy. They have beauty products, light groceries, and all the health and wellness products needed to keep your family happy and healthy throughout the season. 

Take Time to Unwind at Sole Therapy 

Slow down and take some time to unwind after your busy holiday schedule and relax at Sole Therapy with an afternoon of massage. You can choose to rest your weary feet with reflexology services that can help improve overall wellness or opt for a full body massage to work out all the tension you’re carrying from the past year. 

Get a jump start on the New Years celebrations by supporting these local businesses in Dallas with your patronage. Want to discover all the best ways to prepare for the new year in Dallas? Check out our directory today! 

Meadow Central Market is offered by Weitzman. Weitzman is one of the leading Retail Real Estate companies in North Texas. Weitzman offers a full range of Retail Real Estate services including Project RepresentationTenant Representation and Investment Sales and, is also a leading Asset Management and Development Services Retail Real Estate firm.

Photo Sourced from Getty Images: #1180798906

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