Back to School Outfit – Meadow Central Market Dallas, TX Fri, 19 Jul 2019 19:38:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Back to School Outfit – Meadow Central Market 32 32 Get Ready for Back to School Shopping in Dallas at Meadow Central Market Fri, 19 Jul 2019 19:38:20 +0000 The summer heat is still here, but back to school is just around the corner. From clothes to supplies, let Meadow Central Market in Dallas help you and the kids get ready for the next school year. For more on how to get ready for back to school shopping, keep reading:

Protecting Your kids from Back to School Germs

Sickness and germs are always something to worry about when you’re sending your children back to school. Protect your kids and their belongings with CVS Pharmacy in Dallas this year. Whether it’s sinuses or allergies, stay on top of things with help from minute clinics and top-preferred medicine services all season long. 

Stay Prepared with the Latest Tech in School

Everyone has a phone nowadays, but are they up to date or in style? Send your kids off to school this year with the best technology on the market with products from Metro by T-Mobile in Dallas. From Hot Spots to SMART Rides, you and your family can stay connected all semester long at the push of a button, or screen. 

Meal Prep is the Way to Go This Year

School lunches are almost impossible to be making on the go every morning. Stay prepared this school year with your kid’s favorite meals from Tom Thumb at Meadow Central Market in Dallas. With Drive Up & Go and Delivery deals, you can save time, money and hassle while you get a head start on meal prep for the entire month. Shop from plenty of back to school items as well while you’re at it. 

Back to school errands can be stressful at times, but they don’t have to be. With Meadow Central Market in Dallas, you can get the kiddos ready for school with plenty of time, hassle and money to spare. For more on getting ready with Meadow Central Market, check up on our blogs and directory pages!

Meadow Central Market is offered by Weitzman. Weitzman is one of the leading commercial real estate companies in North Texas. Weitzman offers a full range of Commercial Real Estate services including Project Representation, Tenant Representation and Investment Sales and, is also a leading Asset Management and Development Services Commercial Real Estate firm.

Photo Sourced from Getty Images: #1044466670

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